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Kamloops’ Guide
to Post-Operative Care
Improper home care after dental surgery can lead to unnecessary pain or even infection. You may experience some bleeding, swelling, or pain when you get home after surgery—that is normal. Here, we discuss how to combat some of these symptoms.
Reduce Swelling
Swelling following surgery will become most intense 2-3 days post op. Aberdeen Dental Arts suggests the use of ice packs to minimize swelling. Immediately following surgery, we recommend the constant application of ice packs to the face during waking hours. Thirty-six hours after surgery, swelling can be reduced with moist heat on the sides of the face.
Minimize Bleeding
Slight bleeding is to be expected following surgery. However, excessive bleeding should be addressed promptly. The first step to control bleeding is rinsing the mouth and wiping away old clots that have formed at the surgical area. Firmly bite on a gauze pad for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues, bite on a lightly moistened tea bag for an hour. If bleeding has stopped, be careful to not sit upright or exercise. If this home care is not stopping the bleeding, call Aberdeen Dental Arts.
Moderate Your Pain
For mild to moderate pain, we recommend over-the-counter NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug), such as Motrin® or Aleve®. For more intense pain, your surgeon will likely prescribe a narcotic pain reliever. Take as directed, and pay attention to the warnings. If these remedies do not effectively treat your pain, or if it persists, call Aberdeen Dental Arts.
We are accepting new patients. For additional information, please contact Aberdeen Dental Arts at any time.